8 Turkey-Buying Tips for Thanksgiving
A Day Of Thanks
Thanksgiving turkey is likely to make up one of the most important purchases you make this year. On a Thanksgiving dinner table, the turkey is usually the focal point, so choosing the right one is important. The following tips will help you.
Buy Early Rather than Later
It is mainly true if you shop at big box stores. Frozen meat needs a day to thaw out for every five pounds. The guide is to buy a turkey that is the size and weight that accounts for 1.5 lbs. per person. So, if you are having six guests, you need a nine-pound turkey.
Read the Label
To avoid buying turkey that contains additives, always read the labels when you shop. The words "all natural" mean little except if additives added
Get Organic
According to Consumer Reports, people should always buy organic turkeys with the USDA organic seal because it does not give these turkeys prophylactic antibiotics.
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