Have a mind growing experience
School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Reading and writing' and rithmetic
This old partial lyrics brought to mind this is a great way to lift our spirits during self isolation. How could that be, well, you realize you can pursue a portion of your life you had always wanted! Need to be a writer? An altered composition notebook makes a great journal for writers notes.
You could now get ready for the new math your youngsters, grandkids, and for a few of us who are fortunate to have great-grandchildren are now learning. Become an in home mentor.
With stress so much a piece of this isolated way of life, an oil massage and relaxing aromatherapy treatment can be valuable for you and your kids.
But, we believe reading is the most powerful tool we have for connecting and sharing the human experience. It reduces anxiety and makes us feel more accomplished and even happier.
Whether you’re looking for entertainment, expert resources on managing stress, healthy activities for your children, or just a way to escape mentally, we have a few books to help you get started.
Don’t give up the book club. Zoom Video Conferences can help your club keep informed. Distancing isn't out of touch.
Purchases can certainly adds to your enjoyment.

Love this blog. Reading is important. Keeps you informed and entertained . #savebookclubs