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Making New Family Traditions

In the wake of COVID-19, some of our family traditions have changed. 

Gathering as a family around Christmas is a beautiful experience. Especially if you have holiday traditions you follow every year, there is something magical about the holiday season.

 Your family traditions can strengthen your bond and make the holidays more meaningful. Now the question is, how can you create new family traditions? 

Wearing pajamas on Christmas Eve is a noble tradition you can start with your family. A brand new pair of pajamas is the perfect way to enjoy the festive season. You can give them to the family in a Christmas Eve box where you'll find excellent fun and comfort items inside. 

Consider creating a family Christmas bucket list as an alternative. This is a list of all things you and the family want to do during the festive period. 

  • Catching a Christmas play at the local theatre
  • Baking Christmas goodies.
  • Have a Lifetime, Hallmark, Christmas Special Movie Night serve with popcorn, movie snack, and your favorite hot drink. 
 Invite each member of the family to contribute their ideas for the games. That way, you can do something that everyone enjoys. A Christmas trivia game is also an option. Each participant makes a gift to receive as a prize. 


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